Journal Articles
Disaster and Cooperative Extension
2021 How Each of Us Can Prepare for the Next Pandemic, Scientific American.
2021 Disasters Happen: Identifying Disaster Management Needs of Cooperative Extension System Personnel , Journal of Extension.
2007 True Colors Shining Through: Cooperative Extension Strengths in Time of Disaster, Journal of Extension.
Nature and Disaster
2017 Community-led reforestation: cultivating the potential of virtuous cycles to confer resilience in disaster disrupted social–ecological systems, Sustainability Science.
2016 Traps in and of our minds: relationships between human logic, dialectical traps and social-ecological traps, Sustainability Science.
2016 Traps! An introduction to expanding thinking on persistent maladaptive states in pursuit of resilience, Sustainability Science.
2015 Refuges of local resilience: Community gardens in post-Sandy New York City, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.
2014 Seeing the forest for the trees: hybridity and social-ecological symbols, rituals and resilience in post-disaster contexts, Ecology & Society.
2015 Urgent Biophilia: Human-Nature Interactions and Biological Attractions in Disaster Resilience, Ecology & Society.
2103 Positive dependency and virtuous cycles: From resource dependence to resilience in urban social-ecological systems, Ecological Economics.
2010 Stewardship, learning, and memory in disaster resilience. Environmental Education Research.
2010 Greening in the Red Zone: Green Space and Disaster Resistance, Recovery, and Resilience, Anthropology News.
Book Chapters
2019 Extension disaster education and green readiness, response, and recovery: Synergies and partnerships. Green readiness, response, and recovery: A collaborative synthesis.
2013 Introduction- Greening in the Red Zone. Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, Resilience, and Community Greening.
2013 Trees and Rebirth: Social-ecological Symbols and Rituals in the Resilience of Post-Katrina New Orleans. Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, Resilience, and Community Greening.
2013 Resilience and Transformation in the Red Zone. Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, Resilience, and Community Greening.
2013 Synthesis and Conclusion: Applying Greening in Red Zones. Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, Resilience, and Community Greening.
2013 Disturbances in Urban Social-Ecological Systems: Niche Opportunities for Environmental Education. Trading zones in environmental education: Creating transdisciplinary dialogue (Re-Thinking Environmental Education).
2012 Civic Ecology, Resilience, and Citizen Science in Disaster Zones. Citizen Science: Public Participation in Environmental Research
2007 From risk to resilience: What role for community greening and civic ecology in cities? Social Learning Towards a more Sustainable World.
2015 Civic Ecology: Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground Up.
2013 Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, Resilience, and Community Greening.
Presentations & White Papers
Taking EDEN to the next level via social media and distributed networks