Training for Extension Educators

NY Extension Disaster Education Network (NY EDEN) provides state and regional disaster education and training for members of the Cooperative Extension system and partners. NY EDEN also recommends training produced by other National Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) partners and FEMA Emergency Management Institute​.

Presentations by NY EDEN

Each presentation below was conducted by Keith G. Tidball, Ph.D., NY EDEN program leader. Dr. Tidball is a Senior Extension Associate in the Department of Natural Resources and Assistant Director of Cornell Cooperative Extension for Natural Resources and Environment.

APREP 101:  All-Hazards Preparedness and Response Education Program Introduction for CCE Associations (PDF slide deck)

EDEN 201: Taking Your County Participation in CCE NY EDEN to the Next Level — New York Ag Sentinel Program: A Disaster Situational Awareness Tool for the Ag Extension Community (Video Recording from September 2017)

Extension Disaster Competency: What You Need to Know (Video Recording from April 2017)​

Active Shooter Awareness Training for CCE (PDF Slide Deck​)

FEMA Training

ICS 100: Introduction to the Incident Command System

This interactive online course introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher-level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

ICS 200: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response

This interactive online course reviews the Incident Command System (ICS), provides the context for ICS within initial response, and supports higher level ICS training. This course provides training on, and resources for, personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS.

IS-322: Flood Mitigation Basics for Mitigation Staff

This interactive online module is designed to help individuals successfully communicate to the public the risks associated with floods, and the mitigation measures available to improve personal safety and reduce damages to structures and personal property.

Additional trainings by FEMA Emergency Management Institute are available at

Extension Disaster Education Network Hazard Resources

The national EDEN network provides resources for preparing for and responding to agricultural & zoonotic, community & economic, family & health, and naturally occurring hazards. Visit the EDEN hazard resources dashboard for a sortable listing of resources.