Do you have questions about how the COVID-19 outbreak might impact your farm or packing house operation? If so, please join us for Produce Industry Virtual Office Hours on April 29 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm (EDT). Joined by colleagues from United Fresh, University of Delaware, Rutgers University, and the University of Florida, this session will be led by Cornell University produce safety professionals including members of the Produce Safety Alliance, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the Department of Food Science. Produce Industry Virtual Office Hours are free and open to anyone in the food industry from farm to fork. Registration is required. You can submit questions in advance to or you can ask them live during the office hours.
You can also find frequently asked questions (FAQs) from previous sessions posted on the Institute for Food Safety at Cornell University website:
Cornell Cooperative Extension:
Dr. Chris Watkins, Professor and Director of Cornell Cooperative Extension
Cornell University:
Dr. Laura Acuna-Maldonado, Extension Associate
Dr. Sam Alcaine, Assistant Professor
Dr. Elizabeth Bihn, Senior Extension Associate
Ms. Donna Clements, M.S., Extension Associate
Dr. Connie Fisk, Extension Associate
Mr. Tommy Saunders, M.S., Extension Associate
Dr. Don Stoeckel, Extension Associate
Dr. Aljosa Trmcic, Extension Associate
Ms. Gretchen Wall, M.S., Extension Associate
Rutgers University:
Dr. Don Schaffner, Extension Specialist in Food Science and Distinguished Professor
University of Delaware:
Dr. Kalmia Kniel, Professor of Animal and Food Sciences
University of Florida:
Dr. Michelle Danyluk, Professor
United Fresh Produce Association:
Dr. Jennifer McEntire, Vice President, Food Safety & Technology
*Ask questions live or submit them in advance to: