Updated 3/20/2025
With reported cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza surfacing in New York state, here are some recent updates:
March 2025 – Avian Disease and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Webinar and Q&A
The new NYS Department of Environmental Conservation reporting form for wild bird mortalities
The USDA-APHIS website is now being updated with positives in both wild birds and domestic poultry. You can see these updates at the links below, though know that there is typically a delay of a couple of days for updates to be posted. For both, you can search for NYS cases using the tools on the website or download the CSV (Excel) and sort the data that way.
Confirmed cases of HPAI can be found on these websites:
- New York State-specific: https://agriculture.ny.gov/animals/poultry
- National commercial and backyard flocks (you can navigate the page using drop-down menus): https://www.aphis.usda.gov/livestock-poultry-disease/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-detections/commercial-backyard-flocks
- Livestock, wild bird, and mammal cases can be found here (again, you can navigate the pages using the drop-down menus): https://www.aphis.usda.gov/livestock-poultry-disease/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-detections
For the most up-to-date information on fairs/shows/sales for poultry, visit the NYS Ag and Markets poultry page: https://agriculture.ny.gov/animals/poultry
To report sick wild birds to the NYS DEC, visit: https://dec.ny.gov/nature/wildlife-health/animal-diseases
Small-scale flock biosecurity plan development information can be found at the USDA-APHIS website: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/livestock-poultry-disease/avian/defend-the-flock
Cornell’s Avian Health Lab contact information can be found here: https://www.vet.cornell.edu/animal-health-diagnostic-center/programs/avian-health
Answers to commonly asked questions on HPAI can be found:
- Through Cornell’s College of Ag and Life Sciences: https://cals.cornell.edu/news/2025/02/frequently-asked-questions-about-bird-flu-new-york-state
- Through the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine: https://www.vet.cornell.edu/highly-pathogenic-avian-influenza-bird-flu-resource-center
The EPA lists disinfectants that can be used against HPAI. Remember that if a positive case is found on your property, you’ll work with NYS Dept. of Ag and Markets on your depopulation, cleaning, sanitizing, and restocking procedures and timelines: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/antimicrobial-products-registered-disinfection-use-against-avian-influenza
For more information on HPAI and poultry health, you can reach out to your local CCE office. An interactive map listing each office and its contact information can be found here: https://cals.cornell.edu/cornell-cooperative-extension/local-offices
NYS Ag and Markets also updates their website to share positive avian cases in NYS. (This is also a landing page to see any restriction for things like import/export, shows, sales, etc.)
USDA-APHIS also updates in detections in mammals and livestock, and you can find those links here.