The New York Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence and the Institute for Food Safety at Cornell University are hosting a facilitated discussion and Q&A, where a panel of experts in sanitation, epidemiology, virology, and food safety will address your questions related to COVID-19. Office hours are free and open to anyone in the food industry from farm to fork, but registration is required.
Event details:
February 10, 2021 | 1:00-2:00 p.m.
From Cornell University: Dr. Sam Alcaine, Assistant Professor of Food Science (Moderator); Ms. Donna Clements, M.S., PSA Extension Associate; Dr. Olga Padilla-Zakour, Professor of Food Science; Dr. Aljosa Trmcic, Extension Associate of Food Science; and Dr. Martin Wiedmann, Gellert Family Professor in Food Safety.
Invited Panelists: Dr. Ruth Petran, CFS, Ruth Petran Consulting, LLC. and Dr. Kalmia Kniel, Professor of Animal and Food Sciences, University of Delaware.