Cornell Small Farms is offering guidance on how to sell online to help build your farm’s resilience through this pandemic.
Many of you have already geared up to be doing sales differently this year. Whether you are running your farmers market booth with new physical distancing practices, or have joined with other farmers to sell your products via direct delivery, you are doing the work of building resilience.
For some, the idea of selling online may seem out of reach. Yet, there are some small steps you can take to get the word out on what you grow and sell. Are you listed on your county and region’s “Buy Local” websites? Your local cooperative extension office can help you find these lists (for those in NY, see our local contact list of CCE educators). Many farmers are reporting an uptick in calls they are receiving because they are listed on these types of websites.
Below you will find an overview of what these platforms offer for services, costs for use and benefits suggested by the company:
Cornell Small Farms will continue to update their farm resilience resource page as new information becomes available.